Monday, 20 June 2011

Just Seventeen (again!)

Well so much for writing a regular blog.  All very well until you get struck down, for over a week, with a chest infection and sinusitis.  I don't take enforced breaks easily and was becoming very frustrated, towards the end, with my lack of capacity.  But hey ho nearly there now.
So on to my latest offering. 

While checking out my local charity shop recently I came across this lovely collection of postcards - a real blast from the past.  Fabulous!  But curiously they are all addressed to the same recipient.

25 years ago, teenage girls were busy sending the free postcards, from their favorite pop magazine, to enter a prize draw for some haircare products!

I wonder what those girls are doing and where in the world they are now?

My burning question, however, is where have these postcards been hiding for the last 25 years?  What's the story behind that then?  I like my work, the products I make and the materials I use, to have a story behind them, a history - I'd really like to know the real one here.

 But, wow, check out these pretty boys!!  Got that teenage weak-knee feeling?  Oh yes!!

 My collection of 1980's Postcard Notebooks.

So revel in all that 80's gorgeousness and enjoy!!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

First Treasury

Had a lovely surprise

my first week on Etsy and my postage stamp magnets were listed on a Treasury  - check out 'Another Side of Postage Stamps'

But to add to it, this treasury formed the basis of a video too.  (blink and you miss my magnets at the end mind you!!)  Some cool videos here 

Big thanks to Herlin from the R shop for this


Sunday, 5 June 2011

Etsy Shop

Today I took the bold move of pressing the publish button on my Etsy shop.  But, as always, these things take much longer than you think when starting out.  I'm sure with practice, though, I will become more speedy.
I'm still surrounded by an expanding amount of stock, in the form of notebooks various and fridge magnets, all spread out for the casting vote of pricing each item and weighing it to work out postage and packing charges.  
Poor Phoebe (the dog) just keeps coming into the room, seeing she can't get anywhere near me and slopes off to the hallway.  I'll be with you soon Phoebe - we'll go and check out what's happening at the river!
Anyway, I think the hardest bit is done and now I've got a few basic items listed I can chill out a wee bit and add some more as and when the whim takes me.

I do hope those that find this take a moment to visit my new store.

Ok Phoebe - lets go......